About simply-psoriasis.com

Hello, how nice that you visit us on our homepage! It’s all about the wild life with psoriasis.


Why was Simply Psoriasis founded?

Simply Psoriasis was founded for the simple reason of providing better information to people with and without psoriasis. We also want to help people learn how to deal with the skin condition and give them a voice. Last but not least, we want to improve the social reputation of psoriasis.

No matter whether the diagnosis is still pending, you are an old hand in dealing with psoriasis or are looking for a friend: At Simply Psoriasis you will find information, services and the exchange with other affected people. The topic of psoriasis is always present, even if it is primarily about you as a person. You will find more details in our mission statement.


Who founded Simply Psoriasis?

Bernd Founder Simply Psoriasis

In 1993 Bernd, the visionary behind the platform, was diagnosed with psoriasis for the first time. Bernd knows the disease with all its facets and has tried many therapies himself. When he realized that there are many gaps in the field of psoriasis and that – despite many sufferers – hardly anyone knows about the disease, he decided to create this portal. In the meantime he is supported by various doctors, nutritionists and digital natives in building up the site and in writing the articles. With Simply Psoriasis we want to make life with psoriasis easier and increase social acceptance.