The same story every year: How climate and weather influence psoriasis
Hormones: Psoriasis and the highs and lows of hormone fluctuations
Mood swings, tiredness and listlessness. When our hormone balance and the most important messenger substances of our body get out of balance…
Histamine intolerance as the cause of various skin problems
Histamine intolerance is often not considered a disease by doctors. Those affected see it differently. In the absence of a diagnosis, painful symptoms occur.
Plaques – Flat and raised skin changes in plaque psoriasis
What is the difference between neurodermatitis and psoriasis?
As we’ve been asked this question frequently over the past few weeks, we want to distinguish two similar but different skin diseases: neurodermatitis and psoriasis. Although the two are completely different diseases, the distinction is sometimes not so easy -...
“You can make a lot out of it!” – A conversation with Anna
Psoriasis can limit life – or not! Read here how Anna masters her life despite psoriasis! A personal report.
Psoriasis causes and triggers: What is behind psoriasis?
Psoriasis Arthritis: How to recognize and live with it
Many patients who suffer from psoriasis fear that sooner or later they will develop psoriatic arthritis. Here you can find out all about the disease and why you don’t have to fear it (anymore).
Psoriasis in and on the ear – annoying but treatable
Psoriasis capitis: Scalp psoriasis
Psoriasis capitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that manifests itself in the form of itching and a clearly visible redness and scaling on the scalp. Up to 70% of patients suffering from psoriasis (also) suffer from psoriasis capitis. The symptoms of head...
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